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Cheung Wan Shan, Shana picture book author and illustrator who graduated from the School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, obtaining her BA (Hons) Visual Communication. She is a picture book creator, illustrator, graphic designer and kid art tutor.  



2024 Shortlisted for the 58th Bologna Children's Book Fair's Illustrations Exhibition, Italy

2023 Outstanding Chinese Children’s Picture Book Award of Feng Zikai Chinese Children’s Picture Book Award, Asia

2023  shortlist of TaiWan Hsin-Yi Children Literature Award, TaiWan

2022 Shortlisted of Japan Aridagawa-cho Regional Exchange Center Picture book Award, Japan 

2021 Shortlisted for the 55th Bologna Children's Book Fair's Illustrations Exhibition, Italy

2017 Shortlist of Feng Zikai Chinese Children’s Picture Book Award, Asia

2015 the Best Hong Kong Picture Book Creation Award, Hong Kong

2011 Excellence of Hong Kong Designers Association Global Design Awards , Hong Kong



2021 Who is the magic king Picture book

2017 Can you Dong Dong Dong? illustration exhibition

2016 Can you Dong Dong Dong? Picture book

2008 Sheep in Love Picture book

2007 China AIDS kids story Under the umbrella (Text)

2006 Hong Kong Mucopolysaccharidoses & Rare Genetic Diseases Mutual Aid Group story Little Giant 

2004 Unseen Angel Picture book 

2004, she published a book based on the true story of a blind Kenyan Marathon runner, Run with Me - Henry Wanyoike, which was translated to English, Japanese, Dutch and Braille, and circulated in various countries. Making an animated tour in schools. 

More than 100 sharing for kindergartens and primary schools. After the birth of two sons, often visit nature that initiate in parent-child art workshop ideas and try to create picture book. Reading picture book with kids, a deeper understanding of children's literature is a life-building knowledge and important treasure for the children. 


2023   Breath - Shana Cheung Figurative Drawing Sol0- Exhibition -joyinart

2023   British Boomer gallery Contemporary | 4th Edition

2022   BODW CityProg - The beautiful pages - community exhibition - Form Society

2022  "Who is the magic king" illustration exhibition - citebkshop

2006   Hong Kong Mucopolysaccharidoses & Rare Genetic Diseases Mutual Aid Group - Little Giant - TaiKoo Palace

張韻珊  2004  香港理工大學視像傳意學士,現職繪本創作、插畫、平面設計及兒童藝術導師。



2024  入選2024年第五十八屆意大利波隆納世界插畫展 

2023  豐子愷兒童圖畫書獎佳作獎 

2023  入圍台灣第三十五屆信誼幼兒文學獎 

2022  入圍日本有田川町繪本比賽 

2021  入選2021年第五十五屆意大利波隆納世界插畫展

2017  入圍豐子愷兒童圖畫書獎

2015  獲香港圖畫書創作獎首獎

2011  獲香港設計師協會環球設計大獎Excellence Award



2021 《誰是魔法王》

2016   繪本《你會咚咚咚嗎?》、

2008   繪本《羊愛狼.見見面》、

2007   中國受愛滋病影響的遺孤故事《傘下的陽光》 (文字)

2006   黏多醣症病人及家屬的故事《醣豆豆.大夢想》、

2004   繪本 走進失明小孩世界的《看不見的天使》等書籍。






2023   吸 呼 - 張韻珊人體寫生展-joyinart

2023   英國Boomer gallery Contemporary | 4th Edition

2022   BODW CityProg 設計營商周城區活動《好一天繪本見》社區繪本展-合舍

2022 《誰是魔法王》插畫展-香港城邦書店

2017 《你會咚咚咚嗎?》繪本原畫展

2006   黏多醣症病人《醣豆豆.大夢想》-太古坊

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